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Middlebury College

Middlebury, VT

Middlebury College(明德学院)位于美国最美丽的山谷之一的佛蒙特州的明德镇,是美国最古老的高等学府之一。学院提供的课程极为广泛,包括艺术、人文、文学、外语、社会科学、自然科学,在众多专业中,以语言、国际研究和环境科学三门最为知名,其余的如经济、政治科学、文学亦是学院的热门专业。除了其核心的本科教育之外,学院也开设有关现代语言,英语文学项目和写作项目等研究生项目。明德学院语言学校在每年暑假向世界各地的学生提供超过十门语言的暑期项目。明德学院是第一座给非裔美国人颁发本科学士学位的美国高等教育机构,也是新英格兰地区第一个成为男女同校的文理学院。

Middlebury College is a private liberal arts college located in Middlebury, Vermont. The college was founded in 1800 by Congregationalists making it the first operating college or university in Vermont. The college is the first American institution of higher education to have granted a bachelor's degree to an African-American, and one of the first formerly all-male liberal arts colleges in New England to become a coeducational institute. Middlebury offers 44 majors in the arts, humanities, literature, foreign languages, social sciences, and natural sciences. The most popular majors include economics, international studies, English and American literature, political science and environmental studies. The Middlebury Language Schools take place in the summer and offer instruction in 10 languages. Middlebury is also the home to the Bread Loaf School of English, as well as the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, one of the oldest and most prestigious writers' conferences.