China Liberal Arts College Tour

活动新闻 | News & Reports

外滩画报——外滩教育 | 2014-8-27

撰稿人 莫书莹 等



新华网 | 2013-8-12

记者 丁静


分数不是唯一标准。美国安默斯特学院国际学生招生办主任Frances Tuleja指出,招生官并非只用分数来衡量学生。安默斯特学院希望招到多才多艺的国际学生,使学校更加多样化。——SAT阅读700分可不考托福。Frances Tuleja指出,如果申请者SAT考试(被称为“美国高考”的学术能力评估测试)英文阅读部分得700分以上,就不需要再考托福了。Frances Tuleja认为,良好的英语听说、阅读、交流能力是国际学生学习、生活的基础。

“个人陈述”要讲真话。不少中国学生请中介机构帮忙代写“个人陈述”。几位美国文理学院招生官指出,学生用自己的语言、自己的感受写“个人陈述”才有竞争力。美国肯尼恩学院国际学生招生办副主任Sonya Broeren说,招生官希望通过“个人陈述”了解学生的个性,“个人陈述”不一定完美,但一定要有感而发。可以是日常生活中的感动,也可以是参加社会活动的经历。

才艺和志愿活动不是越多越好。欧柏林学院国际学生招生办主任Yoon-Chan Kim说,在历年中国学生递交的申请中,有特殊才艺的人不少,如弹钢琴、拉小提琴等等。但是,招生官更希望了解他们是否真的对这种才艺有兴趣,或者是否参加了学校的音乐俱乐部,并在团队中得到成长。还有招生官指出,志愿活动无论时间长短,最主要看学生是否从中获益。能够坚持几年的一个志愿活动不比浅尝辄止的多个志愿活动差。

要有自己的想法。长期以来以老师为中心的教育方式,让很多中国学生在课堂上不够积极。美国格林内尔学院国际学生招生办主任Doug Badger告诉记者,格林内尔2013年希望招收20名至25名中国学生,但希望这些学生能够适应美国的课堂文化,与师生讨论、争辩,享受其中。活动组织者之一,刚从美国格林内尔学院毕业的本科生徐易宁与记者分享了自己申请美国大学的经验:美国大学在意学生是否参加过运动队。他们认为,参加运动队可以锻炼学生的团队协作能力、耐力,以及教会学生如何竞争。文理学院是一种独特的“美国式”发明。它的教育方式被称为“博雅教育”或“素质教育”。文理学院旨在培养涉猎广泛的“多面手”,大部分学院以文学、艺术为主科,商科、工科较少。学校规模较小,师生比例在1:5至1:10,生源国际化。不少文理学院早期是收费较高的学校。据记者了解,目前只有极少数文理学院为国际学生提供奖学金。


Global Times | 2013-8-11

by Li Lin

Universities in the US remain the top choice for Chinese students, but in recent years, liberal arts colleges have overcome their smaller statures and reputations to attract an increasing number of Chinese students.

The China Liberal Arts College Tour, an event which connects liberal arts college admissions officers to prospective students, is seeing more Chinese students from Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan in Hubei Province interested in these schools.

Xu Yining, one of the organizers of the event, graduated from Grinnell College in Iowa in 2009 and started organizing the tour in 2010.

"We see a gradually increasing number of Chinese people - high school students, parents and high school staff - who are interested in liberal arts colleges," Xu said.

This year, the tour invited 16 colleges, and has received more than 600 online applications for college interviews as of August 3. "The number of applications doubled compared with 2012," Xu said. "2013 is really a big year for us."

Du Yanjing, another organizer of the event, pointed out that Chinese students, parents and advisors were not very familiar with the appeal of a liberal arts education in previous years. "But now their enthusiasm is surprising us," Du said.

"Take Carlton College as an example," Du continued. "It got only 60 applications from the Chinese mainland in 2004, but the number is more than 500 in 2013." ......

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