组织介绍 Our Organization
Our Organization
美国顶尖文理学院中国巡展建立于 2009, 本组织是一个非盈利机构,旨在向有志于求学美国文理学院的学生提供一个直接了解美国文理学院的机会。美国顶尖文理学院中国巡展的工作人员都来自于美国顶尖的文理学院。 本组织在中美两国都建立了联络中心。
美国顶尖文理学院选择与我们合作,不仅是因为组织的主要成员由文理学院的现任学生和校友构成,更因为我们感激我们在文理学院所受的教育、高度认可和理解美国文理学院教育的精华。而且我们努力用一种高标准而且又高质量的方式去完成我们的使命。 我们真诚地相信文理教育将会帮助学生们受益终生。
Founded in 2009, the China Liberal Arts College Tour is a non-profit organization dedicated to bridging the gap between liberal arts colleges and prospective students in China and providing an opportunity for Chinese students with strong academic backgrounds and leadership skills to experience a liberal arts education. It aims to promote and deepen Chinese students’ understanding of the liberal arts colleges and American college education in general. The Tour intends to organize various course seminars, workshops, lectures, and summer camps, in both China and in U.S. liberal arts colleges.
The China Liberal Arts College Tour consists of a group of passionate Liberal Arts College alumni who desire to create meaningful opportunities for Chinese students interested in attending college in the United States. We work hard to achieve such goals by creating programs to engage students in conversations with college representatives and to expand our audience to a larger part of China.
We help liberal arts colleges optimize their recruiting processes based on innovative and unconventional insights; through both conventional and new media, we assist the colleges in increasing publicity and reaching out to a wider audience in China; and we have a lasting impact on students with our interactive and inclusive approach of bringing them to talk to admissions officers in person. Liberal arts colleges choose us because we highly value and understand the principle of liberal arts education and uphold high standards of ethics while using rigorous and creative means to accomplish our missions.
As current students and alumni from top liberal arts colleges, the Tour members greatly value their liberal arts experience. We truly believe this education is the education of a lifetime and feel extremely privileged to be so closely connected with colleges as an active member of this small yet global family.
We are glad that you are embarking with us on an exciting and life-changing journey exploring liberal arts colleges!
文理学院 Liberal Arts College
Liberal Arts 通常包括自然科学 (Sciences) ,社会科学 (Social Sciences) 和人文学科 (Humanities) 。 现在通行的做法是把 Liberal Arts 翻译成自由教育,来表明文理学院的性质,可能是比较合适的。 “ 自由教育 ” 旨在培养一流的脑袋、一流的心灵。只有有了一流的脑袋与心灵,才有可能产生一流的科学家、艺术家和思想家。否则,大学生产的只是一群高级工匠,知其然而不知其所以然。自由教育把素质和教养等可感知却不可测量的指标作为文理学院教育的宗旨,所以,工科、商科、医科、法科,通常不在文理学院的范畴。
最初去文理学院就读的都是贵族后裔,他们也不需要担心就业压力。他们所关注的是如何提升自己的素质,提高自己的修养。所以,相对于具体的职业教育而言的, Liberal Arts College 的目标不在于教会学生某些具体的谋生的技能,而是从多方面对学生进行教育,使其成为一个高素质,有教养的文化人。典型而言, Liberal arts college 肯定会教授古希腊思想史,这是反映西方文科学与文化渊源的主要课程,而肯定不会教授房地产营销、证券投资之类比较实用的课程。在这里,仅是培养素养与训练技能的不同,没有贵贱高低之分。
文理学院是美加高等教育的肇始,也是后来美加高等教育中各种不同类型高校的母体。文理学院具有小规模、高师生比、专著本科教育、坚持通才教育等特点。文理学院最具特色的教育理念就是其高举自由教育旗帜,传承、捍卫传统的 “ 学院理想 ” 。自由教育是文理学院教育理念的基础,也是其他教育理念赖以生长的根基和营养。它脱胎于英国传统,深深地根植于 300 多年前的英格兰教育哲学。 “ 自由 ” 、 “ 理性 ” 、 “ 民主 ” 是自由教育的灵魂。自由教育使得一种以自由、公平、冷静、克制和智慧为特征的终身思维习惯得以形成。文理学院的教育理念是明显区别于职业教育的 , 它旨在通过对知识本身的追求来发展理智,造就完整的人格,促进人性的发展。这种理智的训练是通过传授 Liberal arts ,当然包括人文学科、社会科学、自然科学在内的人类普遍的学问来实现的,通过道德情操的陶冶使大学生未来的学习、生活以及职业生涯中受益匪浅。
A liberal arts college is a college with a primary emphasis on undergraduate study in the liberal arts and sciences. A liberal arts college aims to impart a broad general knowledge and develop general intellectual capacities, in contrast to a professional, vocational, or technical curriculum.
Students in a liberal arts college generally major in a particular discipline while receiving exposure to a wide range of academic subjects, including sciences as well as the traditional humanities subjects taught as liberal arts. Although it draws on European antecedents, the liberal arts college is strongly associated with American higher education, and most liberal arts colleges around the world draw explicitly on the American model. Prominent examples in the US include the so-called Little Three and Little Ivy colleges in New England and the surviving, predominantly female Seven Sisters colleges along the northeastern seaboard, but similar institutions are found all over the country.
The "liberal arts" in this sense are no longer the seven liberal arts of antiquity from the Middle Ages (listed below), and the term has indeed been criticized for its excessive vagueness.
»Trivium: Grammar, Dialectic (logic), Rhetoric
»Quadrivium: Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy, Music
Liberal arts colleges are distinguished from other types of higher education chiefly by their generalist curricula and small size. These attributes have various secondary effects in terms of administration as well as student experience. For example, class size is usually much lower at liberal arts colleges than at universities, and faculty at liberal arts college typically focus on teaching more than research.
组织使命 Our Mission
The China Liberal Arts College Tour is an organization founded in 2009 by Chinese alumni and students who graduated from or studied at top U.S. liberal arts colleges. Its goal is to promote and deepen Chinese students’ understanding of the liberal arts and American college education in general.
With extensive networks of Chinese alumni and current students, the Tour will lay the foundation for future collaborative events in China and the U.S. It is devoted to bridging the gap between admissions officers and prospective students from China and to providing an opportunity for Chinese students with strong academic backgrounds and leadership skills to experience a liberal arts education.
组织者介绍 Our Team
堵燕菁 (组织创始人 & 活动主管) | Yanjing Claire Du (Founder & Program Director)
堵燕菁于2008年以优异的成绩毕业于卡尔顿学院(Carleton College)。大学期间,她顺利完成了历史和国际关系的双学位和东亚研究的副修学位。她也是卡尔顿学院中国学生会主席,亚洲学生联谊会副主席和校园志愿活动的组织者。毕业后,堵燕菁在中国外交部,中国社科院和北京大学作为访问学者进行中非历史的研究,并协助教授翻译及发表了数篇在国内外学术界极具影响力的历史研究论文。现在堵燕菁在北京从事公关行业,参与众多国内外高级论坛的组织与管理工作,其中尤以博鳌亚洲论坛、世界媒体峰会、全球智库峰会、陆家嘴金融论坛、《财经》年会等最具影响力。
Yanjing Claire Du is a member of the class of 2008 from Carleton College with a double major in History and International Relations/Political Science and a concentration in East Asian Studies. Claire received a distinction award on her history senior thesis and a distinction award on her history major. During college, Claire served as the president of the Chinese Club and the co-assistant of the Asia Club for 2 years. She was also an active member in many social and cultural activities and volunteer programs. After graduation, Claire worked as a research assistant in Beijing to her professor on a history project of China-Africa relations, conducting oral interviews and researching and translating archives in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Articles that she co-authored and translated have been published in leading academic journals both in China and in the United States on topics related to China Studies, African Studies and Cold War Studies. Currently, Claire works as the senior manager/executive assistant to the president of New Alliance Consulting International, helping to build a communication platform between China and the United States. Her work has focused specifically on expanding communication channels between Chinese business and political leaders and other prominent global leaders including Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, and Peggy Rockefeller.
徐易宁 (组织创始人 & 活动主管) | Yining Xu (Founder & Program Director)
徐易宁于2013年5月毕业于格林奈尔学院(Grinnell College),并预计于2014年底完成在康奈尔大学(Cornell University)的工程硕士项目,其硕士研究领域为应用运筹学。易宁主要负责巡展的前期统筹与策划,并管理协调活动现场。尽管本科期间主修数学与经济,但易宁的兴趣爱好广泛,对公共政策、国际关系、音乐、摄影都具有浓厚的兴趣。易宁在大四时,发起并帮助成立了格林奈尔学院中国学生会,出任该组织名誉主席。在欧洲交流期间,易宁曾在欧洲议会实习,帮助议员草拟有关欧盟贸易及外交事务立法建议的修订案,并参与了第三届中欧政党高层论坛。本科期间,她还曾在其他大型金融机构实习,并多次服务于上海国际电影节。
Yining Xu graduated from Grinnell College in May 2013, and is expected to complete her Master of Engineering program with a concentration on Applied Operations Research at Cornell University by the end of 2014. Yining has been mainly in charge of the strategic planning, logistics and the coordination of the event. Although majored in Mathematics and Economics, Yining has diverse interests in many other fields, including international relation, music and photography. In her senior year at Grinnell, Yining initiated and co-founded Grinnell Chinese Student Association. She is the Honorary President of the GCSA. Upon the completion of her overseas program in Germany, Yining interned in the European Parliament in Brussels. She helped her Member of the European Parliament review and draft amendments on EU legislation proposals regarding international trade and foreign affairs, and participated in the 3rd EU-China High Level Political Parties and Groups' Forum. Over the past summers, Yining has also conducted several internships in world-class financial institutes and served multiple times for Shanghai International Film Festival.
边璐 (组织创始人) | Lu Maggie Bian (Founder)
边璐在2009年毕业于格林奈尔学院(Grinnell College),并于2011年获得哈佛大学(Harvard University)东亚研究硕士学位,主要研究方向是中国的能源和环境政策。从本科开始,她积极投身于国际非盈利组织的活动中,包括08至09年参与联合国发展总署和欧盟环境基金共同出资的中国生物多样性项目,以及在美国大自然保护协会(The Nature Conservancy)的全球总部担任政府政研究助理。研究生毕业后,她从波士顿回到香港并在一家国际金融机构任职,负责大中华业务拓展。生活中她热爱冒险旅行、摄影、文学创作。作为美国顶尖文理学院中国巡展的创立者之一,边璐负责制定本组织长远的战略规划和公共关系的统筹。
Lu (Maggie) Bian graduated from Grinnell in 2009 with honors in East Asian Development, and subsequently completed her M.A. degree in Regional Studies-East Asia at Harvard University in 2011. As a passionate practitioner in non-profit organizations, she worked as a program analyst at the EU-China Biodiversity Program in Beijing from 2008-2009, and interned at the Public Policy Division of The Nature Conservancy in the United States. After graduate school, Maggie was relocated to Hong Kong and started her career in a global financial services company. In her spare time, she enjoys adventurous travel, photography, and creative writing. Being the co-founder of the Tour, Maggie oversees the strategy and long-term development of the organization.
张子昂 (技术主管) | Zi'ang Lucky Zhang (Head of Technical Execution)
张子昂于2014年6月毕业于威廉姆斯学院(Williams College),在校主修计算机。现在谷歌工作。爱技术,但不是死宅。在各种情况下喜欢唱歌:浴室、ktv、以及在大学创立的中文清唱团;在欧洲爱上了旅游,不能忘记布达佩斯的大气和巴塞罗那的惊喜;和写代码一样喜欢写字,比喝水还喜欢喝酒。参加巡展已经是第四个年头,喜欢这个团队,喜欢招生官们,喜欢来活动的同学们。有去年参加面试的同学拿到录取特别来跟我道谢,恍惚间意识到自己承担不起的责任和价值。
Ziang “Lucky” Zhang graduated from Williams College in June 2014, majoring in computer science. He is currently working as a software engineer at Google. Enthusiastic shower singer, ktv-er and a capella member. Fell in love with traveling because of the surprisingly beautiful Budapest and Barcelona. Loves writing - both in Chinese and Java. Prefers cocktail to water. It is his 5th year with the tour now. Had tons of happiness with the team, the admission officers and the students.