China Liberal Arts College Tour
  • 组织介绍 Our Organization
  • 文理学院 Liberal Arts College
  • 组织使命 Our Mission
  • 组织者介绍 Our Team
组织介绍 Our Organization


Our Organization

美国顶尖文理学院中国巡展建立于 2009, 本组织是一个非盈利机构,旨在向有志于求学美国文理学院的学生提供一个直接了解美国文理学院的机会。美国顶尖文理学院中国巡展的工作人员都来自于美国顶尖的文理学院。 本组织在中美两国都建立了联络中心。



        美国顶尖文理学院选择与我们合作,不仅是因为组织的主要成员由文理学院的现任学生和校友构成,更因为我们感激我们在文理学院所受的教育、高度认可和理解美国文理学院教育的精华。而且我们努力用一种高标准而且又高质量的方式去完成我们的使命。 我们真诚地相信文理教育将会帮助学生们受益终生。


Founded in 2009, the China Liberal Arts College Tour is a non-profit organization dedicated to bridging the gap between liberal arts colleges and prospective students in China and providing an opportunity for Chinese students with strong academic backgrounds and leadership skills to experience a liberal arts education. It aims to promote and deepen Chinese students’ understanding of the liberal arts colleges and American college education in general. The Tour intends to organize various course seminars, workshops, lectures, and summer camps, in both China and in U.S. liberal arts colleges.

The China Liberal Arts College Tour consists of a group of passionate Liberal Arts College alumni who desire to create meaningful opportunities for Chinese students interested in attending college in the United States. We work hard to achieve such goals by creating programs to engage students in conversations with college representatives and to expand our audience to a larger part of China.

We help liberal arts colleges optimize their recruiting processes based on innovative and unconventional insights; through both conventional and new media, we assist the colleges in increasing publicity and reaching out to a wider audience in China; and we have a lasting impact on students with our interactive and inclusive approach of bringing them to talk to admissions officers in person. Liberal arts colleges choose us because we highly value and understand the principle of liberal arts education and uphold high standards of ethics while using rigorous and creative means to accomplish our missions.

As current students and alumni from top liberal arts colleges, the Tour members greatly value their liberal arts experience. We truly believe this education is the education of a lifetime and feel extremely privileged to be so closely connected with colleges as an active member of this small yet global family.

We are glad that you are embarking with us on an exciting and life-changing journey exploring liberal arts colleges!

文理学院 Liberal Arts College
组织使命 Our Mission
组织者介绍 Our Team