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Hamilton College

Clinton, NY

Hamilton College (汉密尔顿学院) 是一所私立的,独立的文科学院,它位于美国纽约州的克林顿地区。始创于1793年,在1812年正式成为Hamilton College,在1978年开始变成了一所男女混合的学校,而当时这所学院与科克兰学院进行了合并的事项。Hamilton College有时又被称为“坐落在山丘上的学院”,这是由于学院的位置位于柯利芝山丘的上面,就好可以俯瞰主校区克林顿的全城风貌。Hamilton被公认为全美国最佳的顶尖文科学院之一,因此汉密尔顿学院被人们认为“小型常青藤学校”之一。

Hamilton College is a private liberal arts college in Clinton, New York, United States. Founded as a boys' school in 1793, it was chartered as Hamilton College in 1812. It has been coeducational since 1978, when it merged with its sister school of Kirkland College. Hamilton is sometimes referred to as the "College on the Hill." During the summer of 2006, the school completed a new science building. The art department has separate studios for each of the studio arts taught, most of which are being renovated. Hamilton's athletic facilities include an ice rink, swimming pool, several athletics fields, a golf course, a three-story climbing wall, and a 10 Court Squash Center. The college has long adhered to an academic honor code. Every student matriculating at Hamilton must sign a pledge to observe the Honor Code, and many examinations are not proctored.