China Liberal Arts College Tour

Oberlin College

Oberlin, OH

在俄亥俄州克利夫兰西南35英里处一座宁静的小镇,坐落着卓尔不群的 Oberlin College (欧柏林学院)。从解放黑奴,到男女共校,Oberlin以其自由精神和政治激情闻名全美。学术方面,自1920年以来,Oberlin的毕业生得到博士学位的人数在全美文理学院中高居榜首。学院的理科教育极其出色,以化 学和生物的水平最高。环境科学、神经科学和东亚研究也很棒。另外,Oberlin还拥有一所全美历史最悠久的音乐学院,蜚声国际。Oberlin拥有和它本身大小极不相称的资源,比如自己的超级计算机,一座堪与哈佛耶鲁比肩的全美顶尖大学艺术馆。另外,其250万的藏书量也毫无疑问是文理学院中最多的。这里的校园生活绝不止“丰富”二字。每年有500多场音乐会在校园内举办。在“实验课堂”,多才多艺的学生可以自己开班授课,从少林功夫到打毛衣无所不有。这里还有整个北美洲第二大的学生合作社,每年经费超过240万美元。小至做饭采购、大到规划运作,全部由学生民主决策管理完成。

Located in an Ohio town 35 miles away from Cleveland, Oberlin College is one of the premier colleges in the nation. With an esteemed history of challenging social conventions, Oberlin was the first American college to accept women and minorities, and it was a stop on the Underground Railroad. Traditionally, Obies are serious about political and society, along with their schoolwork. Since 1920, more Oberlin graduates have earned PhDs than have graduates of any other liberal arts colleges. Oberlin offers great science programs, among which biology and chemistry are the strongest. Popular majors include English, neuroscience, environmental studies, and East Asian studies. Plus, the world-famous Oberlin Conservatory of Music offers top-notched music programs. Students benefit from over 500 performances yearly. A special ExCo program allows students teach their own class for a limited amount of credit. Courses cover a wide array of topics, ranging from martial arts to knitting a sweater, and are extremely popular on campus. As a college with only 2700 students, Oberlin's Allen Memorial Arts Museum and College Library are both among the nation's best. Besides, the Oberlin Student Cooperative Association is the second largest in North America. With all participating students working as cooks, buyers, administrators, and coordinators, it is entirely student-run and the largest social system at the college.


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