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合作院校 Partner LACs » Occidental College

Occidental College

Los Angeles, CA

Occidental College (西方学院) 是一所位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市的一所小型私立性质文科院校。该校成立于1887,是美国西海岸历史最为悠久的文理学院,学院也同时被学生和毕业生亲切的称作“OXY”。

尽管在洛杉矶市内,西方学院有75%的学生四年住校,而学校共有百余个学生社团和俱乐部,以及21个NCAA体育队,使得学生的课外生活非常丰富多彩。学院高标准以及极富创新力的学习项目曾在美国《新闻周刊》、《华盛顿邮报》以及《时代周刊》上受过称赞。多样化是西方学院取得卓越学术成就的根本组成部分,不同的种族、出生、宗教背景、 国籍以及观念,所有的这些都考验着课堂内外的学生。

Occidental College (Oxy) isa private, coeducational liberal arts college located in the Eagle Rock neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. Founded in 1887, Oxy is one of the oldest liberal arts colleges on the WestCoast. The college is noted for its combination of rigorous academic programs, a small yet diverse student body, and the resources of one of the world's major cities. Oxy is also a community in conversation, where students and professors discuss, debate and engage. The campus and the culture inspire love and loyalty in a place, which is called Oxy home.

The Power of Place