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Pomona College

Claremont, CA

Pomona College (波莫纳学院) 坐落于加州南部,并且是全美国最顶尖的文理学院之一。根据2015年福布斯(Forbes)杂志的美国大学排名,Pomona College 名列第一。福布斯的排名侧重于学生的需要。诸如四年毕业的比例、毕业后的成就和趋势以及学费花销等。在Pomona College,一节课大约有15个学生。而且学生们说,平时和教授吃午饭或者是和教授闲谈交流是非常普遍的事情。所以,学生们说教授是他们学习经历中像灵魂一样的宝贵财富。而且Pomona College是Claremont五校联盟中的一员,五校还联盟包括: CMC,Scripps College(女校),Harvey Mudd College和Pitzer College。

Pomona College is one of the top liberal arts colleges in the country located in southern California. According to the Forbes 2015 ranking of U.S. colleges & universities, Pomona ranks #1 in the nation based on student outcomes (4-year graduation rate, post-graduate success, student debt). The average class size at Pomona is 15 students, and it is common to have lunch with professors or get personal emails from professors. Students say that professors are the soul of their academic experience. Pomona is also part of the Claremont College Consortium along with Claremont McKenna College, Scripps College (all-women), Harvey Mudd College and Pitzer College, which share academic resources, clubs and organizations, as well as varsity athletic teams.

 Pomona - An International Community

An International Community