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Davidson College

Davidson, NC

地处北卡罗莱纳州的Davidson College (戴维森学院) 是南部最具竞争力的文理学院。该校位于北卡的戴维森镇,距离北卡最大的城市Charlotte (夏洛特城)仅20分钟车程。学校2000余名学生共来自全美48个州和全球50多个国家。

戴维森学院的教育教学质量在U.S. News美国新闻报的排名一直位列三甲,学校十分提倡师生交流和个性化教学,学生可以按需自行设计课程。 该校最热门的专业包括生物,经济,政治,心理与神经科学等。

在戴维森,诚信是学生和教授及同学之间相处的准则。每个大一新生都要签署一份Honor Code (诚信宣言) 并严格遵守。在这个极重视诚信的环境里,所有考试都无人监考,甚至有些可以带回家完成。学院非常注重学生的人格培养,给学生灌输的道德准则将使他们终身受益。

Arguably the best liberal arts college in the South, constantly ranked as a top 10 liberal arts college by U.S. News and Report, always styled as “the Dartmouth of the South”, Davidson College is by all means a great, yet special college. Davidson boosts its award- winning and amazingly accessible faculty, exceptional student profile, and its immense strength in International Studies, along with English, political science, biology, history, etc. Myriad academic options are offered here. Students can develop and design their own major and involve in graduate-level research and publishing. By taking advantages of many study abroad programs, 70 percent of students graduate with experience abroad. Davidson places high importance on students' characteristic. Davidson's historic Honor Code is strictly enforced and engenders a community of true trust and respect, in which all exams are self-scheduled and un-proctored. As a small college, Davidson fields 21 NCAA Division I varsity teams. Men's basketball is particularly strong here. The team advanced to the Elite Eight in the 2008 NCAA Tournament. Davidson hero Stephen Curry declared for the 2009 NBA Draft at the end of his junior year. The college is the first liberal arts institution in the nation to replace loans with grants in all financial aid packages, and it guarantees to meet demonstrated financial need to welcome scholars and athletics all over the world.

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