China Liberal Arts College Tour

Vassar College

Poughkeepsie, NY

Vassar College (瓦萨学院) 是在美国纽约州波基普西市的一所私立,男女同校的文理学院,校园是由超过1,000亩(4.0平方公里)的土地和100多栋建筑组成,其中包括两个美国国家历史名胜,建筑风格迥异,由学院哥特式到国际样式不等,建筑的设计时间跨度超过了学院的历史,前后由一批优秀的建筑师完成,包括小詹姆斯·伦威克、埃罗·沙里宁、马塞尔·布鲁尔和西薩·佩里。瓦萨学院还是一个树木园,校园现存有200多个品种的树木,是原生植物的保留地和一个占地400英亩(1.6平方公里)的生态保护区。

Vassar College is a private, coeducational liberal arts college in the town of Poughkeepsie, New York, in the United States. The Vassar campus comprises over 1,000 acres (4.0 km2) and more than 100 buildings, including two National Historic Landmarks, ranging in style from Collegiate Gothic to International, designed over the course of the college’s history by a range of prominent architects, including James Renwick Jr., Eero Saarinen, Marcel Breuer, and Cesar Pelli. A designated arboretum, the campus features more than 200 species of trees, a native plant preserve, and a 400-acre (1.6 km2) ecological preserve.



Shared and authorized by Sarah Fischer (Assistant Director of Admission)