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Bowdoin College

Brunswick, ME

Bowdoin College (鲍登学院) 是位于美国缅因州的一所文理学院,于1794年成立。它以詹姆斯·鲍登的名字命名,以纪念这位马萨诸塞州前州长。该校注重通才教育,意即注重学生的全面素质以及修养,并在美国东北海岸享有盛名。鲍登学院的物理系、经济学系和生物系是全美学术界公认的强项。其政府与法学系则更是在2003年被伦敦经济学院评为全世界小型学院中最好的政治学课程。这个美国东北部寒冷的校园中走出了许多影响美国和世界的大人物,例如美国总统富兰克林·皮尔斯,美国参议院及前国防部长科恩。在美国废奴隶制历史上产生过重要影响的美国著名小说《汤姆叔叔的小屋》就是由鲍登学院的教员家属Harriet Beecher Stowe写作并由鲍登学院出版发行。

Bowdoin College, founded in 1794, is a private liberal arts college located in the coastal Maine town of Brunswick. Bowdoin College was named for former Massachusetts governor James Bowdoin. At the time of its founding, it was the easternmost college in the United States. It is thought that the Bowdoin seal, created in 1798 by Joseph Callender, was a sun because it was the first college in the UnitedStates to see the sunrise. Famous alumni include Franklin Pierce, the 14th President of the United States. The Government & Legal Studies Department was ranked the top small college political science program in the world by researchers at the London School of Economics in 2003. Other departments are also strong, including economics, the natural sciences, and English.

Bowdoin Profile

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