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合作院校 Partner LACs » Carleton College

Carleton College

Northfield, MN

Carleton College (卡尔顿学院) 是美国中西部最好的学院之一,始终被US News (美国新闻报) 评为全美前十的文理学院。“万湖之州”——明尼苏达州,赋予了卡尔顿田园诗画般的景色与生活气息;校园所处的小镇,邻近明尼阿波利斯和圣保罗市,虽稍显偏僻,却并不影响卡尔顿一流的学术声望和教育水平,尤其是在它所见长的数、理、化、生、计算机等科学领域。

经过四至五年的学习, 75%的学生在毕业后五年内进入顶尖研究院继续深造,其获得美国科学基金会所颁发的研究生奖学金人数在美国所有本科院校中都位列前茅。卡尔顿共有33门主修专业,平均课堂人数约为17人,师生比例1:9。小班化的教育,基于互动交流的研究项目,丰富的校园生活,都使得“卡尔顿人”无比热爱自己的学校,而“卡尔顿人”的精神亦伴随他们不断成长——Hardworking(勤奋刻苦),Curious(求知好问),Friendly(亲切友好),Supportive(互帮互助),Adventurous(勇于冒险),Relaxed(悠闲自在)。

Carleton College is a premier liberal arts college in the Midwest. Located in a small town of Northfield, MN, Carleton is nationally renowned for its academic excellence and welcoming campus community. Carleton is committed to providing a true liberal arts education, in which students learn broadly, think deeply, and most importantly, they learn how to learn for a lifetime. Most of the departments are strong, especially math, computer science, chemistry, physics, biology, history and economics. Within five years here, 65- 70 percent of Carleton students go on to top graduate and professional schools across the nation. Carleton leads all undergraduate colleges in the number of students awarded prestigious National Science Foundation Fellowships for graduate study. Carleton students work hard, play hard. Besides parties, the college supports nearly 150 student organizations, has one of the best student radio stations, boosts several traditions including screaming before finals and capturing a bust of Schiller, and owns an 800-acre arboretum, serving as an outdoor classroom, a conservation, and a resort for walking, running, fishing and skiing. It is said that the main reason why people usually end up choosing Carleton is its academics, but the main reason they stay is because of the people who are passionate about everything and friendly to everyone. 

 Carleton Admission

Carleton College

Shared and authorized by Kaelie Lund (Admission Officer)