China Liberal Arts College Tour

Colby College

Waterville, ME

Colby College (柯比学院) 创建于 1813 年,是美国12所历史最悠久的独立文理学院之一, 1871 年该校成为新英格兰地区第一所接受女生的男校。 Colby的教学实力在全美文理学院中位居前列,该校致力于本科教学,学校拥有160名教师,90%的教师获得博士学位,大约有1750名学生,来自美国46个州和52个国家。学生与教师的比例是10:1。学校的教学设备有米勒图书馆,是国际图书贷款项目之一。有Bixler艺术和音乐中心、缅因州最大的博物馆、艺术表演中心。计算机、教学专用的实验室随处可见。 同时它也是CBB联盟之一,与同在缅因州的Bates、Bowdoin结盟,是缅因州三巨头之一。

Colby College sits on a hill, with beautiful views of the surrounding city and countryside. The popular and well-regarded programs include economics and biology, followed closely by English, government, and history. Forty-nine percent of all classes have 25 or fewer students. Colby was the first men's college in New England to admit women, and also the first to establish a special January term. Motivated students might use the month off to serve an internship, study abroad, or prepare an in-depth report. There are two “bigsecrets” about Maine winters: they are beautiful, and they are a lot harsher in the telling than in the living. But, an enthusiasm for chilly weather and outdoor sports are the major nonacademic credentials needed to find contentment. Non-varsity athletes are eager participants in 10 club teams and six intramural sports. 

 Colby International Students

Colby International Students